Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Facial Recognition Fun

Today's blog is just for fun. When I was revisiting some images in Lightroom I came across this one and was about to delete it when I saw the face. Can you see it? It is the shriveled visage encased within the outer petals, the bud of the flower. To me it looks either like a crying baby, face all contorted, or an old man who has just eaten a terribly sour lemon!

Recent studies indicate that our brains are hard-wired to recognize faces almost above all else.  Perhaps that is why we sometimes see faces where they do not exist, as in in this flower. The man in the moon and facial forms in natural rock formations also come to mind.

I do not look for faces in subjects that I photograph, but at times, like this flower, they seem to reveal themselves upon a second or third viewing.

A fun winter's day project could be to review your old images and look for faces. It can be fun, and who knows, you might find some interesting images.

The other element to notice in this image is the lighting. See how the out-of-focus sunlit leaves on the right add a nice circular counterpoint to the round bud. This shot was framed deliberately with the smaller bud on the left and the light green areas on the right. Sometimes a small change in your position can completely change the background. Be as observant as possible when out shooting in order to use these sorts of elements to your best advantage.

Shutter Speed 1/60 sec.  Aperture f/2.8.  ISO 100.  Lens: Canon 100mm macro f/2.8L IS.  Camera: Canon 5D Mark III.  Handheld

TODAY'S QUOTE: "I think your whole life shows in your face, and you should be proud of that."  --Lauren Bacall

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