Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Tunnel Vision

Learning to see light and use it to your best advantage is one of the most valuable tools in photography. It is a learned skill, and one that you can teach yourself.

Study the light in this image. The large overhanging tree in the foreground is darker than the bright greens and whites in the background. More light was falling on the distant trees than on the near ones. At a different time of day, the light might have been completely different.

This type of lighting condition provides a sense of tunnel vision. Your eye is drawn to the lighter portion of the scene. The darks in the foreground act as a funneling mechanism, forcing your eye to look at the brighter areas.

This is a picture about place and light. What is the main subject? Is it the quality of the light, or the trees, or the road leading you into the background? Let me know what you think. There is no right or wrong answer, so either email your response to or post a comment on our Facebook page

Shutter Speed 1/125 sec.  Aperture f/22.  ISO 800.  Lens: Canon 100mm macro f/2.8L IS.  Camera: Canon 5D Mark III.  Handheld.

TODAY'S QUOTE: "There is always a light at the end of the tunnel but it's not about what you find at the end, it's what you find on the path there."  --Anastasia wild

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