Sunday, March 25, 2018

Simple Is Super

This church in Iceland has a beautiful altar and spectacular organ pipes. But when I looked up at the ceiling it was the simple white-on-white design that caught my eye.

Simplicity can be a powerful compositional tool. Strip away any distractions and look for the essence of the subject.

The net result of this image is essentially an abstract using very simple tones, lines, and shapes. For this type of shot it is important to keep things symmetrical. Make sure that the sides match as much as possible, and that the center of the image is centered in the frame. And that any verticals are truly vertical and not tipped slightly in one direction or another.

While I wish I had shot this with my "real" camera, all I had with me was my iPhone and it did a pretty good job. Overall the image is sharp and the whites are clean with no digital artifacts or color "noise."

This is not at all the shot I expected to capture in this church. But as I have pointed out before, it is important to keep all your options open, look around and examine all that is before you. Get the basic shots or the iconic shots, but then search for other views or angles that appeal to you and might even represent the essence of the scene better than the iconic images you were seeking.

1/35 sec. at f/2.2, ISO 50. iPhone 6 with 4.15mm f/2.2 lens. Handheld.

TODAY'S QUOTE: "Creativity is contagious. Pass it on."  --Albert Einstein

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